Monday, December 13, 2010

A Good New Tax Idea

After reading a news article I have read on Yahoo News about how the government could fix the lack of tax money coming in. I have decided after reading some comments that it would be a great idea. They should get rid of the income tax for the people not corporations, and put in it's place a federal sales tax of anywhere between 2% to 5%. With this tax in place the government would be collecting taxes from a much larger base than it is currently collecting from now. They would be making money from anyone who buys anything in this country or it's territories. This would include homeless people who would be paying taxes when they get money from begging or donation and they buy something, Visitors from other countries, because you know they would have to buy gifts for family back home, Drug dealers who make money and don't pay taxes because they are always buying things. Even the people who are working under the table and not paying taxes and even the illegals.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Why are people so stupid

So I know how to remove the windows log in password. The people at this college seem to think just because I can remove a log in password, that I will remove a password for them. Well about a week ago 3 guys brought me a laptop and asked me to remove the password because they forgot it. I told them OK, give me a couple hours they don't relieze it only takes me a few seconds to do it.. I went down and told the dorm director about the guys wanting me to remove the password just because the guys here love to steal peoples laptops. At first we tried to see who really owned the laptop, but we could find the person. I took the computer back to my room removed the password and started looking through the computer for any thing that would lead me to its true owner. The way I found him was because of skype. I found a saved user name on skype and ran it through the skype database and found his name called the dorm director and asked him if the name rang any bells and found out his laptop was stolen 2 days before. Then I remembered the user name when the computer started was the first name of the owner so the dorm director, the security guard and a sheriff came to my room and met the guys who stole the computer and found that they also had a second stolen computer which they were going to bring to me to remove that password. If it wasn't for me them 2 stolen laptops would have never been recovered, because the college even tho they have security cameras never look at them and refuse to allow the dorm directors to see them or have any access to them. It was nice to have recovered 2 stolen laptops too bad all the rest of them will probable never be seen again.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

A Horrible College Choice

I would like to let people know about one of the worst colleges I have ever seen. I am currently enrolled at Allen University, and what a mistake that was. This college allows anyone in it, there for about 80% of the students do nothing, for instance they sleep all day and when they do go to class all they do is disrespect the Professor's. The students do have there wall they love to stand by all day, that is just so they can smoke pot and even sell drugs. The school itself does not employ enough staff for instance they have a computer science major but no professors to teach the classes, their financial aid department only have one person working in it so I just got my refund check and the semester is oh most over. I had to give them the same documents at least 3 times because they keep loosing them. I cant wait to transfer to USC in Columbia SC. This College is located on Harden Street in Columbia SC. Even the administration does nothing to stop the students it's oh most as they don't care all they want is our money....

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Would like to get these classified

Donations always accepted Non Charitable $1.00 that all I am asking for..

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Quick Government Lesson

Ok I have noticed how everyone blames the president for all the spending of money.... Well he has a very small part in the spending of tax money for the congress has the say on if the money is going to be spent or not.... We need to start getting people in congress who would like to do the job that they were elected to do as in represent the people of the United States, now that includes everyone not just the big corperations and the rich. Maybe it is time that we as a country elect people from the lower classes who knows how it is to struggle pay-check to pay-check.. I am not a person who sticks with one party I vote for who I think would be able to help this country... I so far like Obama I think he is doing a great job maybe you people who blame the president for things he cant control should focus more of your time on helping the people around you and looking for better people to run for congress... The president can veto bills but congress can also override them and make them law anyways. I hate how this country spends money they need too get rid of the departments that do nothing to help the country, and we all hate to hear it but they need to raise taxes. Now we can help pay this debt down by sending whatever we can afford to the IRS saying the money is to help pay the national debt down and just think its tax deductable, you can write off a debt heck if we get it paid down our money will be worth more.... So lets all get together and try to fix our corrupt government before it becomes to late......