Wednesday, January 18, 2012

SOPA and PIPA The Government taking more freedoms away

Here we go again the government is trying to take more of our freedoms away.... We all need to get in contact with the worthless law makers we have and tell them to focus their jobs on fixing the country and not on taking more of our freedoms away.... If SOPA and PIPA get passed it will destroy the way the internet is and pretty much cause a lot of websites to end up shutting down.... Looks like our congress does not care about creating jobs like they so call say they are focusing on instead they just want to destroy the one good thing they still have in their lives... Without all the freedoms the internet offers all of our free education will vanish causing students to not be able to do all their research to the best of their ability.... Looks like it is getting close to time for Americans to take back their country before all these career politicians destroy what our founding father tried to make... To see who supports and opposes the bill got Here.. we need to work on the supporters to keep our free speech... Sign the Petition let congress know we are not going down without a fight....