Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Unfareness on Crimianal records between Governement elected positions and normal jobs

Its not really fare that you can be elected into a political office controlling the country with a criminal record.. But when it comes to a normal person who is trying to find a basic job to support themselves and you have a record they all blow you off and act like you are a nobody. So I guess running a country you can be a criminal but you cant work at McDonalds because your worthless... HMM makes me wounder if this whole concept isn't screwed up....

My reason's why you should avoid Virgin Mobile

It may sound nice only having to pay $55./month for unlimited Talk,Text,and Web. Well I thought it was nice but then every month the text messaging goes out.. They keep saying they are having problems, I believed that the first month but come on every month.... I call them complaining I even write them but still get nothing... I want to know what I am paying for because I sure am not getting unlimited text, the thing I prefer to use..... I used to have Verizon but the cost is outrageous, but I guess you pay for good service....