Friday, February 17, 2023

Letter to congress about Norfolk Southern

 To whom ever is reading this, Hello I am a once employee of Norfolk Southern I was working out of the Conneaut Ohio terminal. I was a conductor Trainee there is much I would like to talk about but letters sent online can only be so big. So to get down to it I didn't believe the people when they told me Norfolk Southern does very little maintenance on their equipment until now after all of these derails, I worked for them when the derail happened up in Sandusky area didn't see it but heard about it and most everyone I worked with said that its just going to get worse if Norfolk Southern doesn't start maintaining the car and shrinking the size of trains, the engineers of the engines said that it was very dangerous with the sizes of the trains making it very easy to overlook an issue because the management rushed the conductors to get the train moving, a mile long train if inspected properly would take about 4 hours Norfolk southern pushed for it to be done in less than an hour, not all management agreed with it but with risk of losing your job you don't say no. I have more I would love to talk about including the training program if anyone is interested.