Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Facebook, why is it so addicting

I don't quite understand what makes Facebook so addicting.. I have noticed that I can't go a day without going on Facebook, I go on at least 4 times a day... I have even found myself wondering while I was on Facebook what it is that has me so hooked??? It still is a mystery to me the games on Facebook suck and I really don't even talk to many of my friends... But yet I still can't seem to get away from it... I have noticed that there is a new profile page on some profiles and I absolutely hate it... But I know that even when that hideous page hits me I still wont be able to get away, I have noticed even while I am in class and sitting in front of a computer that I must check Facebook no clue why but I just feel I must... I am guessing that I just love it so much because the friends I do talk to I like talking to... I do use Facebook as my personal photo album every picture I take I send it to Facebook... I keep my page PUBLIC because I have nothing to hide from anyone...
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