Thursday, January 12, 2012

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence also known as (AI) is soon to be a reality in the world... At this moment we do have the Technology to create a real smart machine... If they were to combine Facial Recognition, Retinal Scans, Finger Print Reading, Voice Recognition, and many other of the Technology's that we have they would be able to create a machine that could quite possibly do like the machine on the new TV series Person Of Interest that premiers on CBS on Thursday nights at 9:00 PM EST time... Someday in the future we may even be able to create a real KITT car from the TV series Knight Rider but we would first need to prefect our technology in Nanotechnology, we are getting close in that one how close you say??? Well lets just say that they are now making Bullet Proof Armor in China made from Nano Tubes... They even sell Nano Oil and Even Nano Paint... We all better watch out because once all this Technology is just right Big Brother is not all we will have to worry about....

How the Banks are Crooks

So one day I called my bank "Wells Fargo" and told them because my account was negative and a new charge just went thru that day. I told the I was going to go and put the money in, and they said OK and told me how negative the account was... Well not even an hour after I got off the phone with them they reversed the charge that came in that day after the overdraft fee was given... I didn't notice this until after I put the money in the account and I only had enough money to cover what they told me I owed which was before the overdraft fee was issued... Well as days went on the charge never came back and I was hoping it would wait till I got more money since things are real tight these days... Well they didn't so as we all can imagine they re-put that charge back that they already charged me and told me when I called them the first time just so they could get another overdraft fee out of me for something I told them I was coming into the bank to take care of... So now I am back to an overdraft on my account again... Just wish they would have not decided to take that charge away when I told them I was coming to take care of it... It just shows the only thing a bank wants out of you is your money and they will find a way to get as many fees out of you as they can...

Casey Anthony

Yet again we here about the child killer Casey Anthony in the news.... This time we are hearing about how she got pregnant... She is claiming she got pregnant at a party after she passed out... Well I got news for her even if that is true that still does not give you the right to kill your child... I mean come on now how was she found innocent she drove around with her in the trunk for over a month then got rid of the body... I am not sure but in the world is that considered and accident???? I always thought Florida was strict, I guess child killers can get away there... Next thing we know she will be offering classes to help better the killer, she got away so she must know the secret no one else knows... Ever since she has gotten away with it all sorts of children have been coming up missing and the mothers have had something to do with it... Looks like the courts need to take a second look into giving custody to mothers now, they all seem to break and want to kill the children... Happens all the time and its finally getting national attention... So RIP Caylee, because we know who killed you and she won't have a very good life because she will always have to look over her shoulders....