Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Chocolate Cookie Dough Truffles

I made these with my best friend Tiffany... IT was quite easy to make them all you will need is cookie dough dark chocolate chips and white chocolate chips.. you will need to ball up the cookie dough and place in the refrigerator.. Once they have cooled down some then you will need to put the chips in a pot with a little oil (cooking Oil) and put it on low heat and keep stiring.... Once that is melted completely cover the cookie dough balls in chocolate and if you have melted white Chocolate drizzle some on the truffles to give it a good look... now dont put the wet truffles on a normal plate it will be a mess getting them off.... Use styraphone Plates it comes off very good.... This is a very good desert... Please remember it is not good to eat raw cookie dough but in my opinion who cares.... Its not even good to breath the air anymore....
Donations always accepted Non Charitable $1.00 that all I am asking for..

my flight back from ohio on delta airlines

I have taken some videos of my flight home from Ohio were I went and visited my father and grandparents... I got to see one of my best friends Tiffany and her wonderful boyfriend Pat it was great I even seen my ex Jen whom I can say wish wasn't an ex... my flight was through delta the flight attendants were ok except one flight rude as hell.. I think them people think they r gods now that they have all that so called power...

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Boiled peanuts were the ceremonious gift

Back in time people used to be given Boiled Peanuts as a ceremonious gift.. This was to show that you were of great importance to them..

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