Friday, January 27, 2012

Companies Break laws and get away with it

People ask me all the time why I have had so many different jobs well here is the answer to your question... I have had a lot of jobs because ever place I worked was either unsafe or unfair to its employees.. For instance When I worked for Domino's Pizza  I was an assistant manager making minimum wage and what I had to deal with daily was pathetic, The manager when I worked there hired a good looking girl and it took some attention away from the manager so the manager used to make sure she got very few hours... When the manager was not there she would call me and say tell her to go home after she has been there for 2 hours.... Then I brought to there attention of a driver who drank and drove while on duty they did nothing about it, I wanted to speak to Corporate when they would come but they made sure I was not around when they came....  Then another job was working for Kennametal as a temp in Orwell, I was very good at my job and always exceeded the daily quota then one-day I hurt my knee and had to have surgery that plant manager seen that and asked me what happened so I told him, well the next day I got a phone call saying that my job was terminated do to poor work.... That was a lie and the employees there could tell you that....  Then there was the job working at Grand Valley Door Co. owned by woodcraft, that place was a trip I worked in the back pulling wood off selves well to my finding out none of the selves were bolted to the floor and they let anyone drive the tow-motors someone hit a self and I watched it sway hoping it didn't fall on me... Circle K was the worst it took me a little while to figure it out but they were changing peoples hours I am going to bet they stole at least a few thousand from me... I figures this out when I worked overtime because someone slept in and was 4 hours, late yea to my surprise they took them hours from me and gave them to the person who was late...  I did my investigation there by getting onto the managers computers and comparing the end of the week time cards with the clock in and out sheets, found out they were changing hours of people every week and it went on since I started there....  I will never forget working at Rochlin Glastics in South Euclid that place was a union job and never again will I do that, union employees are lazy I was supposed to be getting trained by one but all I learned from them were you go on a smoke break every half hour... I kept getting blamed because product was getting messed up but they had a person who was in training running 4 presses that were so old it looked as though they were from the 60's... The only time they really enforced safety rules were when they were being inspected by the EPA and the employees both on the floor and in the office were having a person stop by once a week to sell bootlegged DVDs... a horrible company to work for you are a private contractor driver and after all there fees you make pretty much nothing I worked 6 days a week and only got a little over $100 a week... They don't care about the drivers, my radiator cracked and they told me I had to keep driving and it was not easy to do.... Took me 2 weeks pay to get that fixed and all they kept doing was bothering me because each time they log you in its a dollar out of your check.... I would love to find a place to work for that does not break laws all the time there are many more jobs all with broken laws but this is long enough...

adBrite a US Company Trying to Stop Free Speech

Hi Robert,

Thank you for contacting adBrite!

Unfortunately we do not allow any references or discussion regarding illegal drugs.  I understand that you are just stating facts but we simply cannot allow it.  You must keep your advertisers in mind in regards to the content of your site.  This content would cause advertisers to cancel their campaigns and remove their ads from your site because they do not want there ads next to content discussing illegal drugs.

If you would like use our services we would ask that you please remove the Marijuana article.

Feel free to ask if you have any additional questions.


Chase P.
Client Services

This is pathetic I can not believe an ad company in the United States would be trying to limit what you could say... This country was founded on the freedom of speech religion and press and this company thinks that in order to be able to use its services you are not aloud to discuss certain topics... Well guess what I will not be removing my article about the economic benefits of legalizing Marijuana... I am a US Citizen and there for it is my right to practice my freedoms and you as a US Company should have to listen to the LAWS granting them Freedoms....

The Economic Benefits of Legalizing Marijuana

The US Government spends $9Billion each year housing, feeding, Clothing, and even paying there medical bills... With 33,665 State Inmates and 10,785 Federal Inmates all on Marijuana charges... The Government needs to think about this, this one natural drug has huge potential in making some serious tax revenue... I am going to make an example of potential tax revenue with just the price of a joint which is $5.00.... If the Government was to put a $0.50 tax on that $5.00 Joint making the total price $5.50 this is not including any state sales tax that would be placed on the joint... We are going to say that there would be 8Million buyers that would come out to $4Million with just the purchase of 1 joint each... Now if they were to buy lets say 10 joints each a day that would be $40Million a day in tax Revenue... Now 10 joints a day for a full year would be $29.2Billion per a year....  I would have to say that is a number that we could sure use coming into our countries tax Revenue.... Now that also doesn't include the great Economic impact it would have on our country..... It would put $400Million a day into our Economy and $146Billion a year into our economy.... This really is something our Government needs to look into because the war on this drug will never end why can't we just let it go and make money off of it....