Friday, January 20, 2012

South Carolina Drivers License

Well I feel that I am being treated unfair... It all started in October of 2011 I went to Florida to visit a friend on my way back I noticed my car was acting up... I was 100 miles from were my friend in Florida lives and around 400 miles from my house I decided to turn around after calling my friends and telling them I turned around and wasn't sure if my car would make it back to their house... Well on my way back to my friends house my car broke down on the side of the highway, I waited until a State Trooper came and picked my up and took my to a gas station were I waited for my friends to come get me and take me back to there house... When I got back to South Carolina it was getting close to time for me to pay for insurance.. I wasn't aware that in this state you had to return your plates before canceling your insurance... Well they told me today when I went to the DMV that they sent me a letter saying my license was going to be suspended, well I never received any such letter and one was not delivered to the address that I had on file for them to send stuff.... If I would have know that my license was about to be suspended I would have went and took care of the problem but nope I ended up going to the DMV 2 days after the letter said my license was going to be suspended.... I sent a letter to the Governor hopefully she will do something but everyone I talked to said she wouldn't... I don't understand why this happened I wasn't driving without insurance and now for the first time ever I have a suspended drivers License... Its funny how it works I have seen people that let their insurance lapse and they keep driving and don't get penalized for it.... I have seen people with suspended Drivers License driving they don't get caught... I have even see someone use plates from a different car for months and never get caught... But I get in trouble because my car breaks down in another state and I didn't know to take my plate off and take it to the DMV.... Sounds like to me I am being treated unfair, maybe they should focus more on the people who are causing problems and not the people who have done nothing.... If the state don't believe me I can let them talk to the person who drove from South Carolina to Florida to pick me up and bring me back...