Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Criticism why is it done

We always see how all the political candidates criticize each other to get elected and we see how people make up all sorts of stuff for famous people.. The only thing that I do not understand is why... Could it be the political candidates are afraid that they do not have better views on how to run things... If that is the case I do not base my votes on what they say about the candidate, I base my vote on if I feel they will be able to handle the job and get things done... I am not one to chose a person to be in a spot of leadership by judging what they did in there past I go for what they want to do to make thing better... I think it takes a person who has went through rough times and has brought themselves out of them to be a good leader... My reasons for this are they have seen how that bad is and know how to get out of it, whether it be criminal or so far in debt they didn't know what is going to happen to them the next day... A leader that has always had money does not know how to get out of financial problem like the ones who have experienced them... As for the famous people criticisms I believe they are done by people that are jealous... They believe if they can start a good rumor that just maybe it will get there name out there... The people who make such criticisms should spend there time trying to do something good that would effect the way we all live, once they accomplish that then they to will be famous...