Thursday, May 17, 2012

How to Spot a SCAM E-Mail

When you get an E-mail from a spammer who is trying to steal your ID or even use you to Embezzle money it can be hard to tell it is a fake. Here are some tips on how to spot a scam E-mail.

1. Look at the date. Some scam artist will make the date appear as in the future so that the E-mail will be on the top so you are most likely to read it.

2. Look at the Subject. They will put words in there to attract your attention, this is done so your guaranteed to at least open it to look at it.

3. Look at who sent the E-mail. Sometime it could even be your E-mail address, even a friends E-Mail address, If it is from a known company they will try and make it look like it is from the real company so look for any misspellings or other things like periods, underscores, spaces, even look at the .com, .org, .edu, .gov. Sometimes they use the opposite from what it should be. 

4. Look at who the message is to. They like to use undisclosed-recipients, Your E-mail address, and even ones close to yours.  So be careful if it addressed to anything but you and you have no idea why you got it DELETE the message. 

5. They like to use Government Agencies Names. If you get an E-mail from any Government Agencies from the US or any country it is a false E-MAIL. No Government Agency will ever send you an E-mail telling you that your funds are able to be distributed. The Government would only communicate by PHONE or Regular MAIL NOT E-MAIL. If you ever receive an E-Mail stating it is from a Government Agency Report it to that Agency. 

6. E-Mail Lottery. There is NO SUCH THING AS E-MAIL LOTTERY. This is a scam used to collect your private information.  

7.  E-Mails asking for Personal Information. Those are Fake E-mails. No company will EVER ask for any Personal information regarding accounts through E-MAIL. 

8.  Attachments. If you get an E-Mail from someone you do not know with an Attachment DO NOT OPEN IT. This E-Mail Attachment is most likely a VIRUS used to collect any personal information and key strokes from your computer. 

9. E-Mails Regarding Failed Delivery's from Shipping Companies. Those are Fake and the ATTACHMENT is a VIRUS. If you do have something coming in the mail through any shipping company and you are not sure if the E-mail is TRUE call the shipping company Directly because the E-MAIL is most likely FAKE  Considering the Shipping company would call you if there was any problems not E-Mail you. 

10. Web Links in E-mails. Be Careful with them because scam artist make dummy sites used to steal your info. They try real hard to make an E-Mail look Real and that is how they get people. If you want to look at it search for the site on Google, Yahoo, and even Bing to see if it can be found.  

11. Inheritance E-Mails. Those are false a true Lawyer would contact you by phone and Mail, if they are out of the country they may even use your state department to help locate next of kin. Those E-Mails once you contact them they ask for you information and then tell you that they need you to send them Money.

 12. Overseas Job E-Mails. Not all of these are scams I am sure some are legit but maybe 1 in 1000 are true jobs. They send you Money Orders have you cash them and send most of the money back to them. They are really sending you FAKE Money Orders and having you Launder Money for them. This is a Felony and you will be liable for any of the money you sent to the scam artist.