Saturday, December 17, 2011

Why do males get treated so unfare by certain girls?

So, I knew this girl I used to talk to.... One day she told me I got her pregnant, she went on all day leading me on to that then I got her mad.. Well she retaliated with that saying if I didn't stop making her mad she was going to terminate the pregnancy... "I myself think that is probably the lowest thing anyone could do, why punish someone who did nothing???" well then finally she got to the point were she changed her story and said and quote I still have all of the text messages of her saying she was lying.. She said she never wanted to talk to me again, well me not believing her I gave her a few days to cool off and she did.. I went to Ohio to visit my dad and family there I haven't seen in 2 and a half years, and let me say it was great.. Even seen my ex Jen whom I still after all of these years care greatly for her.... Well the other girl I was talking about before decided to respond to a text when I sent it to her and we talked a lot and she told me yes she was pregnant and of course me not being stupid already knew this. well we kept talking and it seemed as tho things were going well... I got back to South Carolina seen her twice she told me she found out who was stealing from were she works "Carolina Bingo" on Decker Blvd. if anyone cares to know and I asked her what she was going to do and of course since the guy whom is already dating someone likes her she is going to do nothing... Which I advised was stupid but she swears up and down the owners don't know money is missing.... I told her you better believe that they do know because that is money they should have that is gone.... Well now we have stopped talking all together don't know why but we have... I bet when the child is born I will not get to see the child as much just like she does to the previous baby's father and collect child support so she can blow it at BINGO while her family takes care of the children.... I know I can fight for the child but the courts never rule in favor of the father unless the mother is a complete retard Sorry if I offended anyone. Its unfair how father are treated and when I pay the child support I am going to ask the judge that she show what every penny of that money is spent on with receipts and signed statements that it was my money that bought the stuff and no one else s.... Miranda Yeager is her name stealing exes cars and and setting them on fire is her game... she told me about her doing that to her ex Ramon Navaro