Saturday, January 14, 2012

What Cities Need to do to get People to Recycle

What cities need to do to get more Americans to Recycle is give incentives... Cities offer curbside recycling but with that people have to be willing to sort thru their trash to separate the recyclables from the trash.. People are not motivated to do that you do have some that do it but its just a lot easier to throw everything in the trash.. I am one person who recycles and it takes work... I am trying to get my step father involved but he wants no part of it... He tells me when they give him some sort of incentive for doing it he will... I think that they should put bar-codes on the Recycling Bins and give discounts for trash service or something else to help the people out... Besides the trash company will be collecting less trash the more people you get to recycle... Philadelphia PA. offers incentives to their citizens for recycling so why not everywhere else???? If you want to help change the world to Green then you have to give incentives to the people who are contributing because it takes a lot of work....   

Dangers of Posting Photos Online

When you post your photos online be sure that you do not post them as public view.... We all use Social Networking websites these days and post and tag all sorts of photos what many of us do not know is that if your not careful they could be posted as public so anyone with a computer and internet access can find the and view them... My conspiracy theory is that the government no longer has to have a central database for pictures anymore.. The reason for this is because people are careless and just upload photos to the internet using there smart phones or even thru a computer... What they do not know is that the government could easily have crawlers just like search engines that will go thru and take your pictures from your profile and have them so that they can use Facial Recognition software to be able to keep tabs on were you are thru public and private cameras... They may have already began doing this after September 11... They would keep this program silent because it would be against the constitution, but they could always get around it by saying it is a security measure as to keep an eye on suspected terrorist.... So be very careful the next time your uploading that picture whether it is to Facebook, MySpace, Dating websites, or maybe even your Yahoo or Google account profiles...