Monday, January 9, 2012

The Roman Empire

Everyone is aware of the Great Roman Empire, the empire was one of the worlds greatest and most wealthiest empires the world has seen in them ages... In-fact the Roman Empire is even mentioned in the Holy Bible, as the empire that hung Jesus Christ on the cross... Everyone believe that the Romans wanted to have Jesus dead but the truth was they didn't... But now on to what this blog is about.... I am writing about my philosophy of the so called fall of the Roman Empire, I myself don't believe it is totally collapsed... Here is my reasoning for my belief, as we know as religion started to take over the Roman Catholic Church was made in which towards the so called end of the Roman Empire the church had a big say in what would happen... Well the Empire itself may have collapsed but not in and all... The Roman Catholic Church has a big say in the world and is also the biggest religion in the world... My theory of the church is that it is in-fact still practicing the old Roman ways and could even be trying to get a big group of followers to finish what the Empire set out for and that was world dominance.... The church has a big influence and the Pope is oh-most like the Great Caesar but just isn't called that instead they took on the name Pope... They are chosen and rule till death... I believe that they are trying to keep the Roman ways alive in hopes to one-day be able to bring them back and rule once more...