Saturday, January 21, 2012

Why I Enjoy Helping People In Need

I have always been one to help a person or persons whom I believe would benefit... Thru the years I have given away thousands of dollars and never once expected a penny or any other form of payment in return... For me helping a person in need has always and will always be big in my life.. I do hope one day to start a charity because I am not big or trusting of most charities that exist in today's corrupt world... That does not mean that they are all bad because I am sure there are good ones... My biggest achievement in helping someone was when I met this single mother, she was a sweet girl who was working in a low paying job and not getting very many hours... She was a dedicated hard worker but was still being treated unfairly... I was only able to help her because I was a single person who worked 3 different jobs... I found out how bad her situation was by talking to her, I found out she was about to loose her vehicle so I asked her how much the payments were after I told her how high my car payment was... She told me then I told her I would be back because I forgot to do something... What she didn't know was that I was going to the ATM were I withdrew about $800 put it in an envelope and gave it to her and said I hope this will help you and your daughter out... When she seen how much it was she refused the money saying she could not pay me back... I told her that having her friendship was payment enough and that she needed the money more than I did... I still talk to her to this day and we have became real good friends she still struggles in life as do we all in such hard times... I am not able to be so generous these days, but you can rest a sure that one-day  I will get back on my feet and be looking for that next person or persons that I can make a difference in their lives... I do know that, that girl to this day wishes and swears she will pay me back... I know she appreciated it more than the others because she always reminds me how much she owes me and yes if we were to add it up it would be well more than 800, but I am not and I will never ask for a penny of it back.... I still don't know why I love doing this so much it hasn't helped my life at all in-fact it has probably been the reason why I am so broke now... I would rather be broke my whole life knowing that I have helped people that needed it than not helping and having all sorts of money and watching the one who could benefit suffer...