Thursday, January 5, 2012


It seems that all we ever here is War and Violence in today's world... It seems to me that all of these countries seem to get off on causing wars.. I agreed with one out of the two Wars the US was in... The only War I supported was the War in Afghanistan, my reasoning for that was because they were hiding the people responsible for the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center buildings in New York City... The Iraq was I believe George W. Bush wanted to start in revenge on the assassination attempt on his father after the Gulf War, ordered by Sudan Hussein who was the leader of Iraq... Now are new problems in the world of possible new wars are the countries of North Korea and Iran... Iran just seems to be causing so many problems threatening the US Navy and also threatening to cut of shipping if new sanctions are put against them... We all know they are trying to make Nuclear weapons, I mean come on if they were trying to make Nuclear Power they wouldn't be so offensive about it or sneaky... North Korea I am hoping with the change in new leadership will wake them up and realize they have a 0% chance of winning any war vs any country... What they should be doing instead of feeding the Dictators they should be feeding the people of the country... That country is in such bad shape that if the people living in it was to learn the truth the Kim family would have to hide... I hope one day the world wakes up removes the Dictators from North Korea and shuts Iran up before more innocent people have to die because some countries want to be Dumb... Oh yea and we can't forget that religion is starting to cause a lot of problems in the world today... I can see a holy war coming on soon if these other countries don't stop using religion to run a damn country... It's nice you have religion but don't use that to run a country it just won't work... There is also no religion that says it is good to kill people... So you people in the Muslim World stop putting lies about if you die for the cause there will be a 1000 virgins waiting for you because that is a bunch of SHIT.....