Sunday, August 6, 2023

Corporate Greed

 We all know that any business is greedy. The guys in the suits think they know everything. The people who do the work and know more than the executives who get all the credit and money are always the first to get wiped away like it doesn't matter. This world in the next few generations is going to change a lot. There will be very few if any jobs for anyone. The new employees will be robots with AI, the people in the suits who think they know everything are pushing for this. When this happens, people who think they will be saving money for the company will finally see that without the working people, their wealth will disappear. Why you ask well the working person is needed because they are the ones who spend the money and make people richer. With no jobs because of robots, the workers will not have money so the economy will collapse taking all of the rich people down with it. Before we all know it the monetary system will be obsolete because of technology.