Monday, December 6, 2010

Why are people so stupid

So I know how to remove the windows log in password. The people at this college seem to think just because I can remove a log in password, that I will remove a password for them. Well about a week ago 3 guys brought me a laptop and asked me to remove the password because they forgot it. I told them OK, give me a couple hours they don't relieze it only takes me a few seconds to do it.. I went down and told the dorm director about the guys wanting me to remove the password just because the guys here love to steal peoples laptops. At first we tried to see who really owned the laptop, but we could find the person. I took the computer back to my room removed the password and started looking through the computer for any thing that would lead me to its true owner. The way I found him was because of skype. I found a saved user name on skype and ran it through the skype database and found his name called the dorm director and asked him if the name rang any bells and found out his laptop was stolen 2 days before. Then I remembered the user name when the computer started was the first name of the owner so the dorm director, the security guard and a sheriff came to my room and met the guys who stole the computer and found that they also had a second stolen computer which they were going to bring to me to remove that password. If it wasn't for me them 2 stolen laptops would have never been recovered, because the college even tho they have security cameras never look at them and refuse to allow the dorm directors to see them or have any access to them. It was nice to have recovered 2 stolen laptops too bad all the rest of them will probable never be seen again.