Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Scam Captain D. Williams King

from: Captain D. Williams King
date: Wed, Feb 5, 2014 at 4:04 AM
subject: GREETINGS !

Good Day,
I am Captain D. W. King an officer with the 82nd Air Borne division peace keeping 
force in Baghdad,Iraq. We
were moved to Afganistan as the last batch, we need your help with safe keeping 
of two military trunk boxes.
Please respond for more details.
Best Regards.

Captain D. Williams King

Dear Friend,

with due respect, thank you very much for your response. First and foremost it is a good thing that you have 
responded timely and I must use this medium to assure you that we will succeed in this business.I would like 
to be sure of your willingness, trustworthiness and commitment to execute this transaction with me, I cannot 
afford to compromise these virtues considering the money involved, it is necessary for me to be sure of the 
person to whom I will be entrusting this transaction, and my trust is not given out lightly.

I want this large sum of money transferred with your assistance.I want to know if you are willing to follow up 
this business seriously.I must use this medium to let you know that this transaction is LEGAL AND RISK FREE 
ok, I will ensure that we do everything possible from our end here for you to have a safe delivery of the funds 
and gold. I have a very good, trusted and reliable courier contact used mostly by our forces in Jordan, that can 
send goods easily through a private military way, to anywhere in the world, without them being checked at 
any port of entry. They can deliver this money for you easily,to any address of your choice.

The baggage will be tagged as personal effects and covered with a diplomatic coverage consignment trunk box, 
and the courier company will not know the contents of the boxes. A few friends have used this means to convey 
goods, without being checked because of the diplomatic coverage system. Their charges are very high, but I will 
negotiate a way out from this end, till it gets to your door step anywhere and I will follow up immediately and 
meet with you for disbursement after you have received it. 

I am very sure you will know the best way to handle this money for us, when it gets to your base. Please do send 
us your phone numbers and your address and  I hope the address is where you want us to deliver the goods 
through to you. It could be a bank address or your Company address.

I will start making arrangements as to sending the merchandise to you.Your Direct Phone number will be use to 
contact you as soon as Shipment is in Motion. I will send the total since I can not take any chances by keeping 
cash on me. Your percentage stands at 30%. Meanwhile' I will like to know what you do for a living? Are you 
married with kids? Can you handle these funds? I will also want to see your passport copy or id/, driver’s 
License if you have one so I can know who I am dealing with.

We need to build trust okay? The only people that knew about this are just me and my partner. You know that the 
security is very important, you can not trust anybody therefore, remember to keep it secret. The total sum amount 
in the box is $25,000,000 TWENTY FIVE MILLIONS US DOLLARS and I hope that you can handle it? I hope you 
are okay with this? Everything must be done by email until the funds get's to your possession. I hope you 
understand me? Once again thanks for your response.

Captain Dorothea Williams King

Dear Friend,
Thanks for deciding to partner with us on this transaction I assure you that we will not have any problem 
in getting the consignment to your address if only you work with my directions. We have already put in 
place strategy to counter any odd or contingency I promise to hold up my end and hope you should be able 
to do same; this transaction should be handle with immense secrecy, care and prudently.

The content in the trunk box is gold worth millions of dollars and twenty Million Dollars in cash, I will 
handle the 
bill involve in getting the consignment to your destination. 

To proceed kindly provide the following details as requested below.
Receives Name:
Receivers Destination/Address:
Receivers’ Sex
Receivers Age:
Receivers Phone Number:
Receivers: Occupation
Receivers: Nation of Resident
Receivers Scand copy of any of the following ID card, international passport, driver’s permit, voter’s card or 

The closest airport to receiver address:
At the receive of the following details you will be given more information/instructions of transaction.

Note: for security reasons I do advise that you don’t use any email address that friends or family have right to 
use as you can.

Once again I say thanks.
Captain Dorothea Williams King