Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Corporations need fixed

 Every company I have worked for says they are safety first. That is a bunch of bull. The only company that I can think of that was safety first would have been FedEx Express. Now when you work in a factory the only thing that they care about is the product being made. If and surprise inspection were to be made on factories I can guarantee there would be a whole bunch of violations, always tripping hazards, half-fixed equipment that employees are forced to work with, and even supervisors who will try to put you down if you get hurt. I know this because I got hurt and was asked if I wanted a tampon in front of other people, the supervisor even had a woman employee come into the office so that he could ask her if she had a tampon she could give me. I have no idea what is happening to the companies in this country but it is quite clear that profit means a whole lot more to any company than the safety of their employees.