Monday, March 6, 2023

What Happened to the Republican Party?

 I see myself as an independent voter. I used to have a hard time deciding on who to vote for, but with this new form of Republicans that are coming out of the woodwork, it's becoming a lot easier to decide. I am not a big fan of Joe Biden, as I believe he is just too old and his ideas are out of date, but if I had to choose between Donald Trump and him I would choose Biden. I watch the Twitter feed of many republicans and am baffled by the things that they say. Rep Greene of Georgia is so out of touch and beyond anything I have ever seen that if that is the new form of Republican I will never vote for them again. Then you have Rep Santos whom I am completely shocked that he is still in office, the old Republican party would have thrown him out for all of the lying and possible charges, not in just this country but also in Brazil. Instead of Integrity, the Republicans are keeping him because they are afraid to lose a small majority, which they would not by just losing him. What they do not realize is that they may have just lost that district to the democrats for the foreseeable future. I say this because they are telling the Republicans in that District that they don't care they want him out and replaced. Now I will show you a picture of a republican tweet this is their new party and its scary.