Monday, December 19, 2011

Why we should all be Recycling

I have been asked why I waist my time recycling when I am not even getting paid to do it... Well I say to the people who ask such dumb questions, its not the fact that I am not being paid even tho I would love to get paid to do it but its the fact that I am helping save the planet from garbage that can and should be reused... I am currently unemployed it sucks so there for I cant be spending money to help the economic growth well I look at recycling as a way to help... The more that people recycle the more jobs that will be created not in just the recycling pick up but in all sorts of places... people don't relieze but in order for something to be recycled it first starts with the person, then it is taken to a recycling drop off zone were it is then sorted, once that is complete it then gets picked up by trucks or by train to be delivered to the plant which melts or shreds the recycled product so that it can be molded into new product that can then be reused after it is put into the product that it will be it is then put on another truck to be delivered to warehouses which will then distribute it to the stores or wherever it is needed. now that may not be all the steps there may be more but it takes a lot of people to make this happen and them more we recycle it helps not only then environment but also puts people to work... So if everyone could start to recycle it could be a chain reaction in a whole new economy...
Donations always accepted Non Charitable $1.00 that all I am asking for..

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