Saturday, December 31, 2011

Relationships and my opinion of why they fail now

Have you noticed that relationships fail a lot these days?? A marriage is no longer a for better or worse commitment anymore... These days a marriage is only a for better, the people always run when it comes to the for worse part.. Well I blame this on the way people are now. They set such high standards causing people to act the part and wait till the person is trapped to let their true self out.. No one person is perfect.. You will never find a person that has every qualification that you have set, if you believe you have you may be getting fooled... Then we have the people going for looks come on now the what people call ugly s are usually the nice ones... If your in it for the money or just a person who can support you, well your one of the ones who will be unhappy for the rest of your life... I believe everyone deserves a chance I don't care what you look like or what may be the problem its only what's inside that counts!!!

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nekale said...

well it could be true! but i believe its a lil more then that..its if you believe that person wants to be with you or just saying he does.because hes bored and has noone else,i have come to where alot of guys cant stand that i am independant,and i cnt just let go of it.and look for problems when there might not be any cause i dnt know whats true or not anymore been used,abused,there is nothing lefted!! i am just tired of it thts all... said...

I agree there alot of people who go for people for there looks and thats where thay are wrong becouse if you go for just looks that one good looking person might hurt you abuse you or even put you in a bind my opion is don't go for just looks get to know that person it's not whats on the outside you should go by it's what's on the inside that should matter but these days people don't look what's on the inside it's all about the outside.I really like this blog