Friday, January 27, 2012

adBrite a US Company Trying to Stop Free Speech

Hi Robert,

Thank you for contacting adBrite!

Unfortunately we do not allow any references or discussion regarding illegal drugs.  I understand that you are just stating facts but we simply cannot allow it.  You must keep your advertisers in mind in regards to the content of your site.  This content would cause advertisers to cancel their campaigns and remove their ads from your site because they do not want there ads next to content discussing illegal drugs.

If you would like use our services we would ask that you please remove the Marijuana article.

Feel free to ask if you have any additional questions.


Chase P.
Client Services

This is pathetic I can not believe an ad company in the United States would be trying to limit what you could say... This country was founded on the freedom of speech religion and press and this company thinks that in order to be able to use its services you are not aloud to discuss certain topics... Well guess what I will not be removing my article about the economic benefits of legalizing Marijuana... I am a US Citizen and there for it is my right to practice my freedoms and you as a US Company should have to listen to the LAWS granting them Freedoms....

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