Sunday, January 15, 2012

Are the Tax payers making a Good Investment in Some College Students

The other day I was talking to some college students... This guy walks up and starts talking to this girl, then when he leaves her boyfriend who is a sophomore in college actually to my surprise used the phrase "Who that Be?" I was shocked... It has me thinking is the government using the American Tax payers money on the correct people when giving Financial Aid??? I think it is time for the government to do an audit on financial aid money being given out.. There are many American children who would benefit a lot but don't get that chance because there are no standards for receiving this aid... Maybe that person is a college student but you don't use phrases like that while in college you talk professional.. I told that student that talking like that will make him look bad and he should watch when he uses phrases like that; because he never knows who is around him there could have been a person interested in hiring him until he heard that use of English...  

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