Sunday, January 8, 2012

Freedom Of Speech

I am proud to be living in the United States were my rights are protected within the constitution of the United States... One of the most well know protected rights is Freedom Of Speech, with this right I am aloud to talk about anything I please as long as it is not causing harm to any person... Some people may not like when people post dumb things and they may think it is annoying and tell them to stop... Well you are not aloud to tell them to stop because they are protected by law in the First amendment Of the Constitution of the United States of America Stating that there is Freedom of speech... Now I do agree people use this to there advantage a lot, but there is nothing I or anyone else can say to stop them all we can do is ignore them and hope maybe one day they will stop... I don't like hearing some of the crap they nag about on TV or what I hear when I am out but hey they have there right and I am going to respect that because I am glad to have been born in a country were we have such freedoms that are taken advantage of daily....

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