Welcome to Your step recruitment, You have been  selected
for assignment as a Detective Shopper in your area, and  You
will get $200 being a Detective Shopper. Your employment
packet will  include funds for the shopping.

We want you to participate because it's fun & rewarding.
After you reply this email to: shop.agent@gmx.com
you will have access to training materials

Provide the following details if you interested:

F u  l l  N a m e:
Address (NOT P.O Box):
City, State,  Zip:
A g e:
E m a i l:
Phone Number  (Cell&Home):

As a Detective Shopper You work and shop together for  pleasure,
and You only work 2-3 hours twice in a week.

We wait your  good response, Thank You!

Dr. Marine Anderson Ph.d
Head  Recruitment