Saturday, February 11, 2012

SCAM....Federal Bureau of Investigation....SCAM


Wednesday, February 8, 2012 5:30 AM
FBI Headquarters in Washington,
Federal Bureau of Investigation
J. Edgar Hoover Building
935 Pennsylvania Avenue,
NW Washington, D.C.



Normally this is where the scam letter would be but this is NOT. I apologize for sending you this mail. My name is Jude Akubo, I'm from Abuja, Nigeria. I am now an orphan. My father, mother and two sisters were killed in an attack by the isalamist terrorist group known as Boko Haram on the 25th december 2011. I have no cousin, Uncle, Aunty or any relation. I live on the streets as I was kicked out of the apartment my father rented for his family(I now sleep in the cyber cafe I'm sendind this email from). I have been begging and living from hand to mouth. Though I was introduced to internet scam by someone of little knowledge thinking this would bring me out of my poverty but my heart doesn't like the fact that I will dupe someone of his hard earned money(I will NOT). I believe in working hard and earning an honest living, right now I have no certification to apply for a job as I have tried every possible means but the situation in the country is critical and cant get a job to survive or to further my educati
Again I apologize for sending you this email but I do not see any other means I can reach out for help. I enrolled for an HND course but the fees is just to High for me at the moment and as such I am seeking your assistance in anyway you can in funding my education to a better life. The fees is just $625 and now I only have $21 that I have saved hoping that one day It will come up to the required amount needed. I strongly do not believe in scam, fraud or any illegal means of aquiring money. The Lord said "ask and it shall be given unto thee" and that is what I am doing. I ask you in the name of the Lord to help me in anyway you can, (no amount is too little $5, $10, or even $20). I pray the good Lord blesses you and your family as you read this!

Please you kind response will be gladly appreciated no matter what it is.

Thank you kind friend

I Apologize for using this means of communication!!!

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