Friday, October 12, 2012

SCAM-Miss Fatima Shakeel Ahmed

Fatima Shakeel
5:55 PM (21 hours ago)

to undisclosed recipients

Attention Please,
Greetings, I know my message will come to you as a surprise because we don'tknow each other yet but nevertheless, i am writing with the greatest delight and respect, believing you will receive these message in good condition of health. Please do not wonder how or why I came to you because I don't have any choice regarding the situation here in my country.

my father Engineer Shakeel Ahmed was assassinated and our House looted and burnt down completely, as a result of the post Electoral crisis here in my country November 2010.

Because my Father was supporter of former regime and opposition party to (Mr. Alassane Ouattara) a presidential candidate who declared himself a Winner against (S.E.M. Laurent Gbagbo)The former president, following the election of 28th November 2010.Thank God i was not at home when the incident occured.You can read more of the situation here:

The situation is calm, after the capture and arrest of former leader President Laurent   Gbagbo after months of fighting and chaos in my country.Presently my life is in danger, because they are still searching for and killing relatives of the supporters of former regime. I have to move to a safer location for safety.

please, I need your urgent and confidential assistance torelocate over to your country with my Inheritance/Legacy worth of $ 9,500,000 .00 deposited in one security company which was inside the trunk box and the deposit details are with me, as I am the next of kin to my late father.

I am willing to offer you good percentage from the total fund if only you are willing to give me your full support. As i want you to help me in the investment and management of the fund into lucrative business in your country, and make arrangement for me to relocate and come and complete my education. I want you to be my Trustee. Partner and Guardian.

Once i get response from you, give you more detail about me and how the fund will be transfer to you,

thanks and God bless you!

Best Regards
Miss Fatima Shakeel Ahmed.

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