Tuesday, November 20, 2012

SCAM- Message from NNPC

NNPC m.abiola@nnpcgroup.com
9:27 AM (2 hours ago)

to m_abiola10

I got your contact address and necessary information about you from an international business directory. I therefore picked a keen interest in its information and decided to request for a business relationship with you. Briefly, may I take this opportunity to introduce myself; I am a Principal Accountant of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC).
I am privileged to be the chairman of the contract review committee set-up by the present civilian government to audit and review payment of foreign contractors. Subsequently, an international audit was carried out with the Nigerian National petroleum Corporation (NNPC) only to discover the sum of Eighteen Million Three Hundred and Sixty Thousand United States Dollars only (US$18,360,000.00) in their account as an unclaimed payment due to a foreign contractor. This indeed represents 10% of the total contract value demand by the contract award committee of the NNPC from the foreign contractors. I informed the Director-General whose duty it is to oversee daily activities of the corporation.
I asked the Director-General of his opinion over the discovered fund and he said should I use my position as the chairman of the federal contract review committee, to source for a trustworthy foreigner whose account can be used to claim this fund for our collective interest.
All we are looking for is a trustworthy person and honest partner whom we can use his company or individual account to get this outstanding fund remitted overseas. This is a life time opportunity considering the economic problem in Nigeria and overseas and we cannot afford to let it go. We therefore, request you to act on our behalf to ensure the success of this transaction, hoping you will assist us.
As a matter of fact, all modalities for the successful transfer of this money have been worked out; the present civilian government has approved the payment of all foreign contractors and this (US$18,360,000.00) Eighteen Million Three Hundred Sixty Thousand United States dollar only outstanding is included. So, if this transaction attracts your interest, then at the successful conclusion, 30% of the total fund will be given to you as your share for using your account while 60% goes to us, the officials and the remaining 10% has been mapped out to cover all expenses to be incurred by both parties during the course of this transaction.
To be enclosed in your reply are the following: 1. Your Name, Address, Phone and Fax numbers, for easy communication; contact me immediately you receive this letter, so that I can reach you with detailed information on the next line of action.
We are looking forward to your favorable response.
Best regards,
Michael Abiola

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