Monday, January 16, 2012

The Government should do its job

When it comes to Illegal People entering the US the Government does not do its job very well... There would be thousands of jobs open if only the Illegal Mexicans were to be sent back home... We have a Border Patrol but they seem to be worthless I think it is time for the Government to allow Private Companies to be formed to take on the job as US border protection... It would create thousands of jobs plus we could still have the Border Patrol so that more ground is protected... I believe that the US citizens would do a better job at protecting our Borders and removing any and all Illegal Immigrants from our country... They say that companies that hire illegals can and will be fined, well that may be true but first the government needs to actually go looking for the places that hire such people... Companies will continue to hire Illegals as long as they know the chances of the government ever looking for them is very bad... Our border protection is a must for National Security, if we can't keep people from getting in illegal whats to say we will stop terrorist from sneaking past the so called Border Patrol...

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