Monday, January 16, 2012

The Right to Vote

Every US Citizen should have the right to vote... I don't think the should banish you from being able to vote because of past criminal actions... It is wrong to do that, why because you can be elected into a political office with a felony... Why should we not allow Felons to vote?? With dumb laws like that shrinks the amount of voters that can and will vote, this country was founded on the power of the people and in my opinion you can't have the power of the people when you tell some they have no right in voting on leaders or even raising taxes in your town... That in my opinion is wrong your telling someone he has no right to voice his opinion with a vote if he doesn't agree with a possible leader or maybe even that new levy your town is trying to get passed... I do agree that in order to be eligible to vote as a felon you should have completed your entire sentence... Voting is a right given to us by the US Constitution don't let the government try and limit our rights that are given to us... If you do what was the sense on the US Revolutionary War...

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