Friday, January 13, 2012

North Korea

I was reading a yahoo news piece about North Korea that stated they were punishing mourners who failed to exhibit sincere sadness and despair after the death of Kim Jong Il on Dec. 17... They are sentencing them to 6 months are hard labor in there labor camps if the people did not participate in the organized gatherings during the mourning period, or who did participate but didn’t cry and didn’t seem genuine... Now that is wrong if I lived in that country I would have been jumping for joy because the dictator who caused the country to be near bankruptcy is dead.... That is wrong and should be stopped you can't force a person to attend a leaders funeral or god forbid force them to cry when god know who would be sad he was dead... I thought maybe the new leader would better the country but so far he is off to a horrible start and already needs to be overthrown...  

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