Read Message From Cpt. Emily Naslund below
My Dear Fellow Citizen,

Compliments, I know this letter will definitely come to you as a huge surprise,
but I implore you to take the  time to go through it carefully as the decision
you make will go off a long way to determine my future and  continued existence.
Please keep this message top secrete. (I am Cpt. Emily Naslund) presently in Afghanistan.
I am desperately in need of your assistance and I have summoned up courage to contact you.


Some money in various currencies was discovered and concealed in barrels
with piles of weapons and ammunition at  a location near one of
Saddam Hussein's old Presidential Palaces during a rescue operation
and it was agreed by  all party present that the money will be shared
among us. You have entered the above website to confirm more of our 
discovery which part of it was made known to the government, but this
particular one was shared among us and  it is a top secret.

This might appeared as an illegal thing to do but I tell you what?
No compensation can make up for the risks we  have taken with our
lives in those war torn nations. Please confirm receipt of this mail
so I will quickly  arrange for the fund to be moved down to you. I will
await your thoughts via my email urgently due to the fact that I am suppose
to be in the USA with the troops that just left Iraq for the final evacuation
but I was redeployed to Afghanistan Anti-Bomb Squad on special assignment that
will end by December this year. I shall stop here and await your quick response
to my private


Cpt. Emily Naslund, a member of the U.S. ARMY USARPAC MedicalTeam.

Send your response to my US Army Direct E-mail: