Dear Friend,
Attn: Sir/Madam,
Although you might be apprehensive about my email as we have never met before. I am Mr. Michael Obot, the Senior auditor in charge for foreign remittance unit of our bank (SkyeBank Plc), with due respect, I decided to contact you over this business financial transaction worth the sum of FIFTEEN MILLION, DOLLARS (15.Million USD ) in other to entrust this fund into your bank account. This is an abandoned fund that belongs to one of our big customers Named (Mr. Christian Erich) who died along with his entire family on Monday, 31 July, 2000, 13:22 GMT 14:22 UK in a plane crash disaster. View this website: (
I was very fortune to meet the deceased file when I was arranging the old and abandoned customers files of 2000-2002 in other to submit it to the bank managements accordingly for documentation purposes. Following our banking financial policy, it was obviously indicated and signed lawfully that if such money remains unclaimed after Ten (10) years without somebody been a foreigner apply and claim the fund as the next of kin , the money will be transferred into the Bank Treasury as an unclaimed fund.
Upon the acknowledgement of this email, details of this proposal would be given to you and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours faithfully,
Mr. Michael Obot