Saturday, December 31, 2011

Relationships and my opinion of why they fail now

Have you noticed that relationships fail a lot these days?? A marriage is no longer a for better or worse commitment anymore... These days a marriage is only a for better, the people always run when it comes to the for worse part.. Well I blame this on the way people are now. They set such high standards causing people to act the part and wait till the person is trapped to let their true self out.. No one person is perfect.. You will never find a person that has every qualification that you have set, if you believe you have you may be getting fooled... Then we have the people going for looks come on now the what people call ugly s are usually the nice ones... If your in it for the money or just a person who can support you, well your one of the ones who will be unhappy for the rest of your life... I believe everyone deserves a chance I don't care what you look like or what may be the problem its only what's inside that counts!!!

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Friday, December 30, 2011

More information on the Drop Ship Deal for Donating

As I stated that for a Donation of $1.00 I will email you a username and password so that you are a Dealer of a Drop Ship online Business... You are getting a killer deal from me when it cost $149.95 to get you Lifetime username and password if you were to order it from there site... Visit the site and check it out  Remember this is a once in a lifetime deal... All it takes is a Donation of $1.00 that is all... Use the PayPal link on my Blogs Home Page to Donate....

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Dangers of using the online pharmacy

This is what ships there no prescription required meds in
This is what taking Modafinil did to me.. Bought from an online Pharmacy without a prescription...
Purchasing medication from an online pharmacy without a prescription is dangerous... I know this from personal experience.. From my mistake of buying the drug online without consulting a doctor oh most cost me my life...  I didn't think about the dangers when I was buying the medication, I just wanted it to help me concentrate better in my college classes.. The drug worked and did what it was supposed to but as time went on it started causing me to stay up all night... Then one day I started having raw bottoms of my feet then got a sore throat... I thought I was getting sick so I emailed my professors telling them I wasn't feeling well  and wouldn't be in class... The next day I woke up I had the worst sore throat of my life and was very weak... I got up and got a bottle of water to drink and looked in the mirror... What I saw was horrible my lips were all scared and scabbed up, my face had what looked like burns and my head was in so much pain I couldn't bear it... I then went back to bed thinking it will be over the next day.... Well I was wrong the next day I could barely move. Now my arms had them burn looking marks and I looked horrible... I was on the forth floor of the dormitory the elevator was broke as always and I had no help... So I started my walk to the stairs moving very slow because I was so weak my body couldn't move fast... It took me what felt like forever to get down the stairs to the first floor... When I got into the lobby everyone was freaking out not knowing what was wrong with me... I called my mom and told her I needed to leave while the RA's in the dorm went and got the dorm Director and school nurse... They got there and wanted to call an ambulance to pick me up but I insisted on waiting on my mother... Once I got to the hospital my fever went up to 106 degree F a 5 degree rise in a couple of minutes... The doctors did test on my and told me my blood was poisoned and if I didn't come to the hospital that day I may not have made it... I was put in Intensive Care for about a week... Since I didn't disclose the medication I took I probably wasn't treated how I should have been... I get bad headaches all the time and still have scars from the burns the Allergic Reaction caused me...  The US Federal Government needs to start controlling these online drug company's... It is way to easy for anyone to be able to go online and purchase drugs all they need is a credit card.... With all the research I did I concluded that I would have been diagnosed with the Steven-Johnson Syndrome... Since I told them I didn't take any medications they said I didn't qualify for it... So the Diagnosed me with erythema multiforme and they said it was much more acute and severe than the usual case...   So with my mistake I may have cause damage to myself because I withheld that I did in fact use a medication...For anyone who is interested in knowing the site I bought this drug from and got real sick from here it is EDandMore.. I do not Recommend anyone to buy from there without a doctors approval...

Dangers of Smoking

We all know the dangers of smoking.. But yet the ones of us that smoke still seem to continue doing it... I know this because I am a smoker, I have tried quitting many times but always seem to go back for that cancer stick... The biggest miss under stood thing about smoking is that everyone thinks that it causes lung cancer... Well that's only true to a small extent... The truth about caner is that everyone has cancer cells in their body's... Smoking just increases the chances of them cells becoming active... Now I am not saying that it is safe to start or keep smoking because it most defiantly is NOT.... Smoking causes all sorts of health problems I know this but yet still pick up that cigarette and smoke it.... I have never used the electric cigarette and never plan on using it... My reasoning for that is somewhere down the road they will discover that it causes even more health problems... Now I could be wrong but it seems to me everyday they are finding something that used to be used everyday as bad.... I myself tell people when they ask, "don't I know that smoking is bad for me." I tell them that I do know it is but it is also bad to eat all that processed foods and breath the polluted air and even drink all of that carbonated soda and teas...

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

YouTube Channel

I have a friend who has a funny YouTube channel. You should go check it out maybe even follow it..

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Donations the one thing everyone avoids

I am asking any generous person that reads this for a non charitable donation of $1.00 sent thru PayPal to I am asking for this because I want to see who is generous in this world so if you do find it in your heart to send it please put a not of what country and general location so that I could thank you. $1.00 is not a lot you may never know that it is gone once you send it. Thanks in advance even tho I don't think anyone will send $1.00.

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.2

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Valentines Day in Walmart

This picture was taken at walmart in Columbia SC during Valentines Day...  The Walmart employees found a good use for all of the 12 packs of coke... :) I believe that I was there that night shopping with some of my friends that I have made while @ Allen University...

Saturday, December 24, 2011

The NORAD Santa Tracker

Hey there kids it's that time of the year again I hope you have been good little boys and girls!!! here's a place were you can check to see were Santa Clause is so that you can be sure your in bed before he gets there Santa Locator Be sure your in bed before he gets to your house you don't want him to pass you over because your still awake.... Have a Merry Christmas Everyone....

Troubleshooting for windows XP

  The Beginners Guide to using the Computer

                                                                     By: Robert Beers

 Booting from another devise on start up

 Step 1. Start or restart your computer.

Step 2. You will need to read when the computer starts to find the correct key to 

             push. All computers are different.

Step 3. If you choose the Bios then go to the Boot Options and choose what you 

              want to boot from.

Step 4. If you chose to pick from the quick boot then just pick what you want to 

             boot from.

Warning: I recommend anyone who does not know anything 

about computers to choose from the Quick Boot options. Messing 

around in the bios can destroy your computer.

 Starting in safe mode

 Safe Mode is a version of windows were nothing is running. You use Safe 

Mode when you have a virus that is causing your virus software to not work, or you 

can not do a system restore.

 Step 1. Start or Restart your computer.

Step 2. To get in to Safe Mode press the F8 key at the top of your keyboard.

Step 3. It will give you options of how you would like to start Safe Mode. You can 

             run it with Network enabled or disabled.

 Speed up your computers start up

If your computer takes forever to boot that may mean that you have to much 

starting up. All of the programs that are set to start up when you turn your 

computer on eats up RAM and can slow your computer down a lot. Follow these steps to stop all the unnecessary programs from booting when your computer start.

Step 1. Go down to your start menu button. It is located at the bottom left hand 
Step 2. When the start menu opens, look for the Run icon and push it.
Step 3. A window will open with a blank line. In that line you will type msconfig, 
              then push OK.
Step 4. Now the System Configuration Utility window has opened. You will go to 
              the Tab called Start up. You will see a bunch of programs in there, that are 
              checked. Those are the Programs that are starting when windows does. 
Step 5. Look through the list of Start Up items. It is safe for you to uncheck any 
             program that begins with C:\ProgramFiles\. Just remember that if you are 
              running virus, windows defender, or any other protection software it may 
              begin with Program Files.
Step 6. Uncheck any of the Program Files you wish to stop starting up.
Step 7. When you have unchecked the program that you want to stop starting up 
              press OK. It will ask if you would like to restart your computer. You do not 
              have to but it is recommended that you do right away.
Step 8. When your computer restarts the next time, you will get this message “You 
              have changed your Start Up Configurations” Don't be alarmed! All you 
              need to do is check the box that says “Don't show this message or launch 
             System Configurations when windows restarts.” 

 Automatic Windows Updates

 It is very important that you have your Automatic Updates activated. Your computer gets critical updates from Microsoft this helps your computers security from attackers. Here are the steps to be sure that it is activated or that you activate it. 

Step 1. You will need to go to the Start menu.
Step 2. Once the start menu comes up, look for the link called Control Panels. Click 
Step 3. Click on the Security Center link.
Step 4. Look for the link called Automatic Updates. Then click it.
Step 5. Make sure the circle or box next to Automatic is checked. Makes sure it is 
              set to download updates everyday and you pick the time that’s best for you.
Step 6. Press OK. Your done setting up your Automatic Updates!

 Download Windows Updates Manually

You can also download the updates manually. When you do this you can also update more than just critical updates. You have three options. Critical updates, Hardware, and Software updates. Follow these steps to update your computer manually.

Step 1. Go to
Step 2. If this is your first time, you may need to install ActiveX. The site will tell
              you and walk you through how.
Step 3. Once it loads click the button that says Custom. Now it will search your
              computer for any updates needed.
Step 4. On the left hand side there is 3 choices. High Priority, Software Optional,
              Hardware Optional. You can install all the updates from them all.
Step 5. Once you have selected all the updates you wish to install, press Review and
              Install. You may have to restart your computer after they Install.

Activating Windows Firewall

It is important that you activate your Windows built in Firewall. The firewall helps to protect your computer from Viruses and some attack attempts. Here are steps to be sure your Firewall is active.

Step 1. Go to your Start Menu. Click it.
Step 2. Go to the Control Panel Link. Click on it.
Step 3. Click on the Security Center Icon in Control Panels.
Step 4. Go down to the Icon labeled Windows Firewall. Click that.
Step 5. Check to be sure that the box is checked Next to ON. If not check it.
Step 6. Press OK. You have now activated your Windows Firewall.

 Adding or Removing Programs

This is used so you do not have to look for the uninstall for a program. You can remove all unused program so that you can clear space for new ones. To use the Adding or Removing programs just follow these steps.

Step 1. Click on your Start Menu.
Step 2. In the Start Menu find and click on Control Panels.
Step 3. When Control Panels opens find the Add or Remove Programs link. Click
Step 4. Look through the list of programs. If you see one you want to get rid of then
              click it.
Step 5. Now that you have highlighted a program to get rid of look for the
              Change/Remove Button. Click that.
Step 6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 until you are done. Now Restart your computer and
              your done.

 Disk Cleanup

Disk Cleanups main purpose it to clean the temporary files that your computer saves. It can also empty your recycling bin for you if you haven’t done so. These steps will walk you through on how to use the Disk Cleanup.

Step 1. You will need to find your My Computer Icon. If it is not on your desktop
              then you will need to go to you start menu and open it that way or press the 
              windows key + E.
Step 2. Go down to the drive you wish to clean. Most people only clean drive C.
              Now right Click it.
Step 3. Now a menu should have opened when you right clicked on the drive. Go to
              the Properties which should be the last choice.
Step 4. Now a window should have opened. Look at the top it should be in the
              General Tab. You should be able to see a Pie Chart, that is your Hard Drive 
              usage. Now look for the Button that says Disk Cleanup. Push that Button.
Step 5. When the window called Disk Cleanup comes up you notice a bunch or stuff
              that you can select. Choose what you want to be cleaned up.
Step 6. Once you have selected everything you want to be cleaned press the OK
              Button and let it erase all that stuff.

Defragging your computer

Though time you have added and deleted stuff from the computer. This causes your files to become Defraged. When I say Defraged I mean it moves pars of files all over the place causing your computer to have to work harder to start programs. When your computer has to work harder it eats up more RAM causing your computer to slow down. I recommend that you Defrag your computer at least once a month or after you do a mass delete of stuff. To run the Defrag program follow these steps.

Step 1. Locate the My Computer Icon. If it is not located on your desktop you will
              need to go to your Start Menu and open it from there or press the windows 
              key + E.
Step 2. Now that you have opened My Computer you now need to Right Click
              Drive C, or what ever drive you are trying to Defrag.
Step 3. After Right Clicking you need to go to the option that says Properties
              Should be the last option.
Step 4. The properties window should have opened. You should be in the general
              Tab, right next to were it says General you see the Tools Tab Push that.
Step 5. In tools you see 3 options look for the one that says Disk Defragmentor.
              Click it.
Step 6. The Disk Defragmentor should have opened. Go down to the bottom, you 
              should see two options Analyze and Defragment. You need to pus the 
              Defragment Button.
Step 7. Disk Defraging will take a while to complete. So I Recommend you do this
              when you don’t need the computer. 

Scan Your Disk for Errors
From time to time windows files go corrupt and causes your computer to crash and or slow down. The best thing about that is Microsoft has included a scan disk program in windows. The scan disk program can fix many errors but as everything it can not repair everything. Follow these steps so that you can check your computer for any errors so you can correct them before its to late.

Step 1. You need to find the My Computer Icon. If not on the desktop you will need
              to go to your Start Menu and open it that way or you can press the windows 
              key + E at the same time.
Step 2. Once you open My Computer you will need to go down to the Drive you
              would like to check, most likely it will be C. Right click the Drive and go to 
Step 3. You will notice that it opened up in General. You will need to select the Tools
              Tab next to General.
Step 4. The first of the 3 options is the one you will select. Before you do check to be
              sure its the Error Checking one. If it is click the button.
Step 5. You have now entered the Error checker you will notice there is 2
               unchecked boxes you need to check them both. Once you have check them 
               press Start.
 Step 6. Don’t be alarmed when it ask you if you would like to schedule the scan for 
               the next time you start Windows. Select yes for that option then press OK. 
               Restart your computer and let it scan it will take a while.

 System Restore

System Restore is used to restore your computer back to an earlier working Stage. You would want to use system restore if you have been having a lot of errors. Just because it restores your computer back to an earlier time doesn’t mean it is going to delete your save programs and personal stuff. There are two ways you can access System Restore. Follow these steps.

Step 1. The First way to start system restore is to press F11 when the computer is
              just starting up when u just turn it on or restart.
Step 2. The Second way to do a System Restore can be done in both Safe Mode and
              in a Normal windows boot.
Step 3. In the start menu go to Control Panels.
Step 4. When the Control Panels window opens Press the System and Maintenance
Step 5. On the left hand side you should see options under See Also that says
              System Restore. Click the link and follow Restores Directions.

User Accounts

You would use User Accounts to create a new account for someone or to update an existing account. You can add log in passwords for each individual account. You use this to set the user account privileges. It is best to have your administrator account separate from your everyday use account. Only use your administrator account when you are installing new programs, not being in your admin account helps to prevent viruses from changing your registry files. To locate the User Account menu follow these steps.

Step 1. Click on the Start Menu Button.
Step 2. When the Start Menu opens, find the icon named Control Panels. Click
Step 3. Once Control Panels opens, look for the User Account icon. Click that. Now
               set up your accounts. 

Create a new Folder

You would create a new folder to place documents and other icons you wish to put in a place to keep them organized. Most people create folders on their desktops so that it does not look like a mess. To create a folder follow these steps.

Step 1. Right Click anywhere on your desktop.
Step 2. A set of options will appear. Select the option that says new, it will open a
              new set of options.
Step 3. In the new set of options that just opened you need to look for the option
              that says folder. Once you have found that click that option.
Step 4. A new folder should have appeared on your desktop. If the name is
              highlighted push the delete key or Backspace and type in the new name you 
              wish to call it. If it is not highlighted please refer to step 5.
Step 5. Use this Step if your folder is highlighted or you wish to rename another file
              then you will need to right click the file and go to the Rename option.

Create a Shortcut

You can create a Shortcut on your desktop. Shortcuts are used so that you have easy access to your favorite websites or even your favorite programs you use. To create a shortcut follow these easy steps.

Step 1. Right click anywhere on your desktop.
Step 2. Notice the options menu that popped up. Look for the option that says New.
Step 3. You should have moved your mouse down to the New option, A new window
              of options should have opened next to the options that are open. Now look 
              for the option that says Shortcut. Click that option.
Step 4. A new window should have opened with a bar you can type your favorite
              web address in or an option for browse. Here is an example of a web 
              address you can type in, you would push next
              after you entered that and it would ask for a name for the new short cut. 
              The name I would give this example would be Microsoft Updates. 
Step 5. To add your favorite program you would press Browse instead of type
              where you put the web address. Once you found your program you would 
              then follow the rest of Step 4's instructions.

Set your Screen Saver

Here are the steps to setting your screen saver.
Step 1. Right Click anywhere on the desktop.
Step 2. When the little pop up option window appears find the properties option.
              Click that.
Step 3. The Display Properties Window will open. Look at the different Tabs at the
              top of the window. It should have opened in the Themes Tab, now look for 
              the Tab called Screen Savers. Click that Tab.
Step 4. You are now in the Screen Saver Options. In these options you will be able
              to tell your computer how long it has to be idle before the screen saver can 
              activate and you can choose your screen saver.
Step 5. Once you have set the screen saver to what you want. Select OK so that it
              will save your options and exit.

Set your Desktop Background
Windows allows you to choose what you would like your background to be. There are 2 different ways that you can set your Desktop Background. Here are the steps to choosing your Background.
Step 1. If you are on a website and really like a picture and want it as your Desktop
              Background here is how you can do that. Right click the picture.
Step 2. A menu option will appear, Look for the option Set as Background or Set as
              Desktop Background. Push that.
Step 3. The second way to set a Desktop Background is. Right click anywhere on
              your Desktop.
Step 4. The option window will appear. Find Properties then Click that.
Step 5. An properties window should have opened. Look at the Tabs at the top.
              Find the one that say Desktop. Once you have found that push it.
Step 6. You are now in the Desktop Background options. In these options you can
              choose a preloaded desktop Background or choose from the Pictures you 
              have in My Pictures. If you have more pictures some where else you will 
              have to push the Browse option.
Step 7. Now you can choose from the 3 options on the page for how you want the
              picture displayed. They are Center, Tile, or Stretch. Choose your option 
              then press OK.

Internet Explorer Content Adviser

You would use this to block sites that you find unsuitable for people to view. This can be used to keep children out of chat sites and even pornographic websites. After you activate the Content Adviser you will be prompted to set an administrator password. This password is so that if you ever want to change settings or view a blocked web page you can override the blocker. Here are the steps to setting it up.
Step 1. Open your Internet Explorer Web Browser.
Step 2. Find the option that says tools. Located at the top.
Step 3. When the tools option opens you will need to find the internet options link.
              Push that.
Step 4. When the Internet Options opens you will see that there are 7 different tabs
              at the top. Find the Content Tab and push it.
Step 5. Now that you are in the Content options find the Content Adviser activation
              button. Push it.
Step 6. You have now enabled your content adviser. As a default setting everything
              is blocked now. To unblock the websites you wish to allow you will need to 
              go though each of the different content things and move the Bar to the 
              right. That makes it so you can unblock certain sites.

Internet Explorer Content Adviser

Step 7. Once you have set the Content you wish to allow you need to press OK.
Step 8. Now you will be asked to create a password and hint. This is so if you wish
              to change or shut off the Content Adviser or Allow a website to be viewed 
              all you will have to do is enter the password.

  Virus Protection

In today’s day in age virus protection is a must. You can spend a good amount of money on virus protection, but why do that when there is a free on that works real well. Here are the steps in downloading the free virus protection.
Step 1. Go to the web page
Step 2. Once you get on to the web page look on the left of the page for Downloads.
Step 3. OK now you have clicked Downloads. You should see the words Desktop
              with some links under it. Find the link called “Avira AntiVir Personal- Free
             Anti Virus.” Once you have found that Click the link.
Step 4. A new web page should have opened. Click the Green Download Now
Step 5. That will open up yet again a new web page. Where you will need to click on
              the Download now Button again.
Step 6. If a yellow security warning pops down from the top of the web page just
              under the tab, you need to click it and push the Download now button to 
              begin the download.
Step 7. Now a window should pop up giving you the option to Run or Save the
              download. If you just want to run the file it will download the needed files so 
              that it can install. If you would like to save the file press save a new window 
              will pop up letting you pick the location to save the file. It is always best to 
              have a folder to were you save all your downloads to, or just save it to your 
              Virus Protection
Step 7. desktop. This is just so you can find the file.
Step 8. Once the file completes downloading click the run button and follow the
              install directions.

Configure Avira Anti-virus

This is only if you have downloaded and installed the free Avira Anti-virus.
Step 1. Once the Virus software is installed the main window should pop up. If the
              window does not pop up then you need to find the Red umbrella icon and 
              double click it. It may also be in a small icon down by the clock in the right 
              hand corner.
Step 2. Once the main menu is opened make sure all the options in the center of the
              screen all have Green checks next to them. If you need to update the virus 
              definitions do so by clicking the start update button on the right side of the 
Step 3. To configure the virus scanner to do a system scan at a certain time you
              need to find the Administration button on the left hand side.
Step 4. Now you have two options after you clicked Administration find the one
              that says scheduler and click it.
Step 5. To enable the scheduler you need to check the box under enabled.
Step 6. Now you need to right click on the job. A gray window should pop up. Find
              where it says edit job and select that.
Step 7. Push next until you get to the Time of Job option. This is were your going to
              pick the time you wish the scan to happen and how often it need to scan.
Step 8. Now push next until you get to the Finished Button after you push that your
Repair for the dreaded blue screen of death
PC users, you all know what it is: That dreaded Blue Screen of Death. That's right, the BSOD. You've installed a seemingly innocent application, restarted your computer, and suddenly you see this horror in front of your eyes: A big blue screen with some cryptic message on it. Try restarting again, same thing. You're dead. What will you do? What WILL you do?? Well, don't let it ruin your day. Remain calm. If you're using Windows XP, I can help you fix it. Come with me, down into the bowels of Windows XP, where only the high priests go. It'll be fun!

I'm going to show you how to bring your computer back to life, and restore it to the point where things went south. You might want to print this article and squirrel it away for that fateful day when this happens to you. Or if you don't want to print it (and who prints anything these days, anyway?), and you get a big ugly blue screen, just get on another computer somewhere and come back to this Web page for comfort and advice. I can get you out of this mess. I know, because I was in the same mess and I got myself out of it.

Here's what to do: First, get the Windows XP CD you used to install your operating system. By the way, this routine only works with Windows XP, either Professional or XP Home Edition. If you don't have a bootable XP CD, get one and have it with you at all times, because you never know when the dreaded BSOD might strike.

But before you do anything with that CD, try restarting your computer again. Sometimes, for some odd reason, this works. Usually not, though. If you've tried that and everything else you can think of, and you can't even boot into Safe Mode, this is the mission for you.

Put the XP CD in the drive, and restart. When it says "press any key to boot from CD," go ahead, press any key and you're on your way to recovery.

Press F6 if you have Raid Drives and later select ‘S’ and place your Raid driver in the ‘A’ Drive. Select your Driver for the list and then press Enter. After installation press Enter to continue.

The Recovery Console, that is. If it doesn't give you a choice to boot from your CD drive, go into your computer's BIOS and make the adjustment for it to boot from CD. PCs brands and motherboards are too diverse for me to give you specifics on this, so follow the prompts and you can make that CD boot happen without too much trouble. Look at your screen when it boots up, and it always says "hit DEL for BIOS settings" or something similar. If you can't get it to boot from CD, just give up and call for support or take your computer to the nearest computer store for professional help.

OK, troops, are you still with me? Good. It'll look like you're re-installing Windows XP, but don't worry, you're not. This is just a screen showing you that your computer is loading enough files from the CD to actually do something, anything but that awful blue screen. Now when you see the screen that asks you if you want to install Windows, don't! Just hit R for recover, and you'll see the ominous Recovery Console. Don't let that intimidate you; the Recovery Console is your ugly, black-suited friend. It will have a dark, bleak screen, with the following stuff:

Microsoft Windows(R) Recovery Console

The Recovery Console provides system repair and recovery functionality.
Type EXIT to quit the Recovery Console and restart the computer.


Which Windows Installation would you like to log onto
(To cancel, press ENTER)?

Go ahead and hit the number 1 on your keyboard, or whichever number corresponds to the operating system you were using when havoc struck. Enter your administrator password, and then hit enter. You're in! Now it's time to run with the big dogs! Do not be afraid, dear reader, I am here to help you.

If you type the following commands into your computer, it will work magic, akin to going back in time. There are three parts to this process, but believe me, they take much less time than reinstalling Windows XP and all your applications. So follow along with me, and keep in mind that each command must be typed exactly as you see it here. Please note that this procedure assumes that Windows XP is installed to the C:\Windows folder. Make sure to change C:\Windows to the appropriate windows folder if it's at a different location. The copy commands will answer you with a little "file copied" message. The delete commands just move on to the next line. Because of the way your Web browser displays individual lines, a command might look to you like it's two lines, so I've separated each command by an empty line. But anyway, type the whole command in one line, and when you've finished typing that command, hit the Enter key. Be sure to include the spaces I've included between each word here:

md tmp

copy C:\windows\system32\config\system C:\windows\tmp\system.bak

copy C:\windows\system32\config\software C:\windows\tmp\software.bak

copy C:\windows\system32\config\sam C:\windows\tmp\sam.bak

copy C:\windows\system32\config\security C:\windows\tmp\security.bak

copy C:\windows\system32\config\default C:\windows\tmp\default.bak

delete C:\windows\system32\config\system

delete C:\windows\system32\config\software

delete C:\windows\system32\config\Sam

delete C:\windows\system32\config\security

delete C:\windows\system32\config\default

copy C:\windows\repair\system C:\windows\system32\config\system

copy C:\windows\repair\software C:\windows\system32\config\software

copy C:\windows\repair\sam C:\windows\system32\config\sam

copy C:\windows\repair\security C:\windows\system32\config\security

copy C:\windows\repair\default C:\windows\system32\config\default

Now you can relax for a minute. You've made it through the first part! Way to go! Now what did you just do? I'll tell you. You first made a temporary directory called "tmp" (md tmp), and then into it, you copied all the files that boot up Windows. Then you deleted all those startup files, one of which is the stinker that got you into this mess in the first place. After that, you copied into that same place fresh startup files from a special repair directory. When you reboot, Windows will look for those files where it always does, and there won't be a stinker in the bunch. The only thing is, there won't be all your settings for all those applications you run every day, either. But not to worry. Right now, you're sitting in something like a lifeboat -- it's not the original ship, but it'll get you back to where you need to go. We'll get everything back to that comfortable place, but only after we go through the next steps.

Now type Exit and watch your computer restart into Windows XP again. Be sure not to tell it to boot from the CD this time. But wait. That's not the way you had XP set up before this disaster struck! That's OK. We're in a lifeboat right now -- this isn't your comfy cruise ship, not just yet. Hang in there. I'm going to show you how to restore your system to the way it was the moment before you told it to install that errant application, or whatever it was you did, so follow along and we'll go to the next step.

Here's where you'll copy the saved registry files from their backed up location by using System Restore. This folder is not available in Recovery Console and is normally not visible -- Microsoft is protecting you from yourself by hiding it from you and locking it away from you. But we have the keys. Before you start this procedure, you'll need to change several settings to make that folder visible:

1. Start Windows Explorer.

2. On the Tools menu, click Folder options.

3. Click the View tab.

4. Under Hidden files and folders, click to select Show hidden files and folders, and then click to clear the "Hide protected operating system files (Recommended)" check box.

5. Click Yes when the dialog box is displayed that confirms that you want to display these files.

6. Double-click the drive where you installed Windows XP to get a list of the folders. It's important to click the correct drive.

7. Open the System Volume Information folder. This folder appears dimmed because it is set as a super-hidden folder. If you're using the FAT32 file system, this will be easy. If you're using NTFS, it won't let you open the folder, but here's how to get around that: Right-click on that system volume information folder and select Sharing and Security. Then click the Security tab. (No security tab? Skip two paragraphs.) Click Add, and then in the box that's labeled "Enter the object names to select," type the name of the user that's at the top of the Start menu -- that's probably you. [Damn it, why do they say object names when it's people's names? I guess that's Microsoft for you.]

Anyway, make sure you type the name the way it's listed there on the Start Menu. I made the mistake of typing my first name only and it wouldn't let me in. Type first and last name if that's how it's written on the top of the Start menu. After you've typed that in, click OK a couple of times and finally that monster will let you in.

But what if you don't see a Security tab? Try this: Click to select the checkboxes in the "Network sharing and security" area -- one is labeled "Share this folder on the network" and the other is labeled "Allow network users to change my files." Change the share name to something short, like sysinfo. Then it'll let you in. After you're done with this entire rescue operation, you might want to go back and change these back to the way they were before, for maximum security.

OK. Now here you are, in the inner sanctum where only the high priests go. Be not afraid, all ye who enter here. As Microsoft so eloquently puts it:

NOTE : This folder contains one or more _restore {GUID} folders such as "_restore{87BD3667-3246-476B-923F-F86E30B3E7F8}".

8. Open a folder that was not created at the current time. You may have to click Details on the View menu to see when these folders were created. There may be one or more folders starting with "RP x under this folder. These are restore points.

9. Open one of these folders to locate a Snapshot subfolder; the following path is an example of a folder path to the Snapshot folder:

C:\System Volume Information\_restore{D86480E3-73EF-47BC-A0EB-A81BE6EE3ED8}RP1Snapshot

From the Snapshot folder, copy the following files to the C:\Windows\Tmp folder (you can use your mouse, you're in Windows now, remember?):


This is how Microsoft explains this: "These files are the backed up registry files from System Restore. Because you used the registry file created by Setup, this registry does not know that these restore points exist and are available. A new folder is created with a new GUID under System Volume Information and a restore point is created that includes a copy of the registry files that were copied during part one. This is why it is important not to use the most current folder, especially if the time stamp on the folder is the same as the current time."

Anyway, you're still not done. Don't worry, the magic is about to begin. Believe me, if you do this in front of your friends, they'll start thinking you're some kind of god. So, heavenly father, get ready to dazzle 'em.

Now it's time to place those files you just made visible to the Recovery Console where they belong. And to do that, we need to get back into the Recovery Console. So, make sure your CD is in the drive, and restart Windows, this time hitting any key when it tells you to do that if you want to boot from CD.

Don’t forget to press F6 if you have Raid Driver and load the Raid Driver.

Yes, you want to boot from CD, so you can launch your old cryptic pal, the Recovery Console. Type R after it goes through that file-reading routine that looks like an install but isn't. Then you're back into our dark-suited friend with its ominous command line. It's kinda like going into the basement to fix some broken pipe or something. But we're not scared. The command line is our flashlight and friend. Here we go:

In this part, you delete the existing registry files, and then copy the System Restore Registry files to the C:\Windows\System32\Config folder:

From within Recovery Console, type the following commands:

Del c:\windows\system32\config\sam

Del c:\windows\system32\config\security

Del c:\windows\system32\config\software

Del c:\windows\system32\config\default

Del c:\windows\system32\config\system

copy c:\windows\tmp\_registry_machine_software c:\windows\system32\config\software

copy c:\windows\tmp\_registry_machine_system c:\windows\system32\config\system

copy c:\windows\tmp\_registry_machine_sam c:\windows\system32\config\sam

copy c:\windows\tmp\_registry_machine_security c:\windows\system32\config\security

copy c:\windows\tmp\_registry_user_.default c:\windows\system32\config\default

Now. You're done! Type exit and your computer will reboot into whichever restore file you chose. Make sure you don’t boot to the CD. But wait. If it's not the right one, that's OK, you can now go into your System Restore area and pick a different restore point if you want. There's a whole calendar full of them in there. I bet you didn't know that Windows XP is watching just about every move you make, taking notes all the while. It can restore about any state you had on that machine. And the best part is, even when it's doing all that, it's still 10% faster than Windows 2000 according to our extensive tests here at the Midwest Test Facility. Here's how to get into that restore area if you're not happy with the current restore point:

1. Click Start, then click All Programs.

2. Click Accessories, and then click System Tools.

3. Click System Restore, and then click Restore to a previous Restore Point.

Sheesh, before this I hated the command line. Many of you probably still do. But when it saves your butt like this, you have to feel grateful. I should send out a badge of courage for all you intrepid souls who followed me into these dark gallows, the basement of Windows XP. I hope this routine was successful in bringing your computer back to life. I know how it feels to have your computer down for the count. As a wise old man once told me, "When your computer crashes, it's like your dog just died." He was so right.

Note: I don't know who to give credit to for this information, Just thought I would pass it on.

Windows Defender

Windows Defender is a free program offered by Microsoft. The purpose of this program is to keep your computer safe from spyware. Follow these steps to adding Windows defender to your computer.

Step 1. Go to the Microsoft web site at
Step 2. You should be in the Microsoft Download Center. Find the search bar that
              says Bing. Type Windows Defender in the search bar. 
Step 3. Now some links should have showed up. Click the link that says Windows
              Defender link, should be the first one.
Step 4. Now you should see the download button. Click That button.
Step 5. Once the download is complete follow the instructions to install the

 Microsoft Internet Explorer Pop-Up Blocker

Windows Internet Explorer has a built in Pop-Up Blocker. A Pop-Up Blocker is a program that is used to block them annoying pop-up advertisements that some web sites have. Here are the steps to make sure you Pop-Up Blocker is activated.

Step 1. Open your Windows Internet Browser.
Step 2. Once your Browser is open, look for the tools option at the top of your page.
              Click that option.
Step 3. You will now notice that a pop down window appears. Move your mouse
              down to the option that says Pop-Up Blocker.
Step 4. A window should open for the Pop-Up Blocker, now if one of the options
              says click to turn on your Pop-Up Blocker push that. If the option says to 
              click to turn off your Pop-Up Blocker then your Blocker is running.
Step 5. If you wish you can use the other option and set your own setting for how
              the Pop-Up Blocker works.

Memory Box

The Memory Box my Dad made open

The Memory Box my Dad made Closed

My father made 2 of these boxes... He made them so that you could store the things you don't want to lose and want to keep in them... He put the TV in the lid so that you could store your favorite music videos, pictures, or even family video memory s with you all the time.... the TV shuts off and is turned on by opening and closing the lid... There is a red felt inside lining the box... You could even use this as a jewelry box... 

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Worst Place to Recycle your old Electronics

I tested out this refinery; well that's what they say they are. Every person who as written comments about the place say if you were to use the Google Street View its nothing but a two story house... They sent my check today and it was horrible just as I suspected reading all the other peoples comments... Here is their Link They state on their website they sent you about 79% of the profit of all precious metals taken from the scrap electronics.. That is a LIE for one each motherboard on a computer has a little less than a gram of gold in it... A gram of gold is worth about $45 in today's market now that is an estimation number it may be more or maybe even less... I found out how much gold each motherboard has by doing a lot of research so as I can keep the facts going.... If this company was ranked in the BBB it would have an F... So if your looking to Recycle them old Electronics witch I would hope you would find a BBB ranked company that refines scrap electronics....
Donations always accepted Non Charitable $1.00 that all I am asking for..

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Chocolate Cookie Dough Truffles

I made these with my best friend Tiffany... IT was quite easy to make them all you will need is cookie dough dark chocolate chips and white chocolate chips.. you will need to ball up the cookie dough and place in the refrigerator.. Once they have cooled down some then you will need to put the chips in a pot with a little oil (cooking Oil) and put it on low heat and keep stiring.... Once that is melted completely cover the cookie dough balls in chocolate and if you have melted white Chocolate drizzle some on the truffles to give it a good look... now dont put the wet truffles on a normal plate it will be a mess getting them off.... Use styraphone Plates it comes off very good.... This is a very good desert... Please remember it is not good to eat raw cookie dough but in my opinion who cares.... Its not even good to breath the air anymore....
Donations always accepted Non Charitable $1.00 that all I am asking for..

my flight back from ohio on delta airlines

I have taken some videos of my flight home from Ohio were I went and visited my father and grandparents... I got to see one of my best friends Tiffany and her wonderful boyfriend Pat it was great I even seen my ex Jen whom I can say wish wasn't an ex... my flight was through delta the flight attendants were ok except one flight rude as hell.. I think them people think they r gods now that they have all that so called power...

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Boiled peanuts were the ceremonious gift

Back in time people used to be given Boiled Peanuts as a ceremonious gift.. This was to show that you were of great importance to them..

Your SEO optimized title

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.2

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Facebook, why is it so addicting

I don't quite understand what makes Facebook so addicting.. I have noticed that I can't go a day without going on Facebook, I go on at least 4 times a day... I have even found myself wondering while I was on Facebook what it is that has me so hooked??? It still is a mystery to me the games on Facebook suck and I really don't even talk to many of my friends... But yet I still can't seem to get away from it... I have noticed that there is a new profile page on some profiles and I absolutely hate it... But I know that even when that hideous page hits me I still wont be able to get away, I have noticed even while I am in class and sitting in front of a computer that I must check Facebook no clue why but I just feel I must... I am guessing that I just love it so much because the friends I do talk to I like talking to... I do use Facebook as my personal photo album every picture I take I send it to Facebook... I keep my page PUBLIC because I have nothing to hide from anyone...
Donations always accepted Non Charitable $1.00 that all I am asking for..

Monday, December 19, 2011

True Story about a Coal Miner

This happened on December 6 1962, in PA... An African American wanted to change his shift so that her could work that day, so since he was friends with my Great Grandfather he first came to him asking if he would change shifts with him. My great grandfather told him "Ask everyone else on my crew first and if they all turn you down come back to me and I will change shifts with you." so that Black coal miner went and asked the others on my great grandfathers crew. They both already knew what their response was going to be considering none of them like the guy... So the Black guy came back and told my great grandfather that they all turned him down so my grandfather changed shifts with him... Well later that night my great grandfather was upstairs in his house when all of a sudden the emergency sirens at the mine went off, he rushed to the mine to see what happened and to see if everyone was OK... When he got to the mine he found out that it had exploded and everyone on his crew was dead including the guy who he switched places with that day.. After that it scared my great grandfather and he quit his job working in the mines and started a store... Every year when December 6 comes around he always goes and visits the monument saying that it should be him on there and how fortunate he was that everyone turned the guy down when he asked them to switch shifts with him for the day....

A News Paper Article About mine explosion

This is the Article of the mines Explosion Anniversary

Donations always accepted Non Charitable $1.00 that all I am asking for..

Why we should all be Recycling

I have been asked why I waist my time recycling when I am not even getting paid to do it... Well I say to the people who ask such dumb questions, its not the fact that I am not being paid even tho I would love to get paid to do it but its the fact that I am helping save the planet from garbage that can and should be reused... I am currently unemployed it sucks so there for I cant be spending money to help the economic growth well I look at recycling as a way to help... The more that people recycle the more jobs that will be created not in just the recycling pick up but in all sorts of places... people don't relieze but in order for something to be recycled it first starts with the person, then it is taken to a recycling drop off zone were it is then sorted, once that is complete it then gets picked up by trucks or by train to be delivered to the plant which melts or shreds the recycled product so that it can be molded into new product that can then be reused after it is put into the product that it will be it is then put on another truck to be delivered to warehouses which will then distribute it to the stores or wherever it is needed. now that may not be all the steps there may be more but it takes a lot of people to make this happen and them more we recycle it helps not only then environment but also puts people to work... So if everyone could start to recycle it could be a chain reaction in a whole new economy...
Donations always accepted Non Charitable $1.00 that all I am asking for..

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Why do males get treated so unfare by certain girls?

So, I knew this girl I used to talk to.... One day she told me I got her pregnant, she went on all day leading me on to that then I got her mad.. Well she retaliated with that saying if I didn't stop making her mad she was going to terminate the pregnancy... "I myself think that is probably the lowest thing anyone could do, why punish someone who did nothing???" well then finally she got to the point were she changed her story and said and quote I still have all of the text messages of her saying she was lying.. She said she never wanted to talk to me again, well me not believing her I gave her a few days to cool off and she did.. I went to Ohio to visit my dad and family there I haven't seen in 2 and a half years, and let me say it was great.. Even seen my ex Jen whom I still after all of these years care greatly for her.... Well the other girl I was talking about before decided to respond to a text when I sent it to her and we talked a lot and she told me yes she was pregnant and of course me not being stupid already knew this. well we kept talking and it seemed as tho things were going well... I got back to South Carolina seen her twice she told me she found out who was stealing from were she works "Carolina Bingo" on Decker Blvd. if anyone cares to know and I asked her what she was going to do and of course since the guy whom is already dating someone likes her she is going to do nothing... Which I advised was stupid but she swears up and down the owners don't know money is missing.... I told her you better believe that they do know because that is money they should have that is gone.... Well now we have stopped talking all together don't know why but we have... I bet when the child is born I will not get to see the child as much just like she does to the previous baby's father and collect child support so she can blow it at BINGO while her family takes care of the children.... I know I can fight for the child but the courts never rule in favor of the father unless the mother is a complete retard Sorry if I offended anyone. Its unfair how father are treated and when I pay the child support I am going to ask the judge that she show what every penny of that money is spent on with receipts and signed statements that it was my money that bought the stuff and no one else s.... Miranda Yeager is her name stealing exes cars and and setting them on fire is her game... she told me about her doing that to her ex Ramon Navaro  

Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Unfareness on Crimianal records between Governement elected positions and normal jobs

Its not really fare that you can be elected into a political office controlling the country with a criminal record.. But when it comes to a normal person who is trying to find a basic job to support themselves and you have a record they all blow you off and act like you are a nobody. So I guess running a country you can be a criminal but you cant work at McDonalds because your worthless... HMM makes me wounder if this whole concept isn't screwed up....

My reason's why you should avoid Virgin Mobile

It may sound nice only having to pay $55./month for unlimited Talk,Text,and Web. Well I thought it was nice but then every month the text messaging goes out.. They keep saying they are having problems, I believed that the first month but come on every month.... I call them complaining I even write them but still get nothing... I want to know what I am paying for because I sure am not getting unlimited text, the thing I prefer to use..... I used to have Verizon but the cost is outrageous, but I guess you pay for good service....

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Why is the Government So Unfair

I know someone who's parent has cancer.. He is having a lot of problems which causes him to be in the hospital a lot. When he applied for medical he was denied, why I don't know... He worked thru his life, I always thought that these programs were put in effect to help a person who has worked thru out their lives???? It seems to me to be eligible for any government help you have to not have worked and want to live in places know as the ghetto.... If you have paid into the medicaid or even medicare program it seems that, the only thing that you are paying for is to help the rest of the country who don't feel they should have to work... I believe that when someone who has done his share of work and paid their taxes, like it is supposed to be should be eligible for help when it is needed.... Why should the rest of the family be strained and have to work multiple low paying jobs to be able to barley cover medical bills and still be able to just slide by and live... The family should be able to work just one job and spend the last little bit of time they have with the person who is dieing, because as we all know once the person is gone you will never get to spend any of that lost time with them again, and the only people you could blame will have to be the government who keeps denying his claim for help...

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

More Complaints About Allen University

Well its been a while since I have updated my blog... But I have some new information I would like to talk about. Allen University, this college I believe is pathetic, you ask why well here it is I go there well used to but after this I wont be going there but I had a bunch of problems that came up this semester causing me to end up not going anymore half way thru the semester, and when I say half way I mean right after mid-terms.. Well for some weird reason I still passed a class it was a D but still I in no way earned that grade.. To some they would be happy to pass a class and not have to go to class... Goes to show you that some colleges are just there for the money not to give a proper education..