Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Ron Paul

I am a Democrat, and if I had to choose a Republican candidate as a president I'd choose Ron Paul.. Ron Paul in my opinion has some good ideas as how to fix the federal governments spending problems.. I do not believe that everything he wants to do would happen, because congress would stand in the way just like they did for President Obama.. The US loosing its perfect credit rating was not President Obama's fault in fact the blame lays with the congress; because they knew that the deadline was coming and they knew the threats from the credit bureau, but they still chose take their time in passing a bill that they knew was not going to suit the credit bureaus request to show that the government was trying to stop its outrageous spending... With Ron Paul in office we may actually stop spending money overseas that we can not afford to keep spending.. It is nice to see this country is so generous in helping countries in need, but at this moment the money we keep spending overseas could be spent in our country helping all the citizens that need the help... Our Government has their priority's messed up; because the wealth-fare of its citizens should be the number one priority.. The getting rid of the departments in Ron Paul's plan is one thing that he shouldn't do what he needs to do is overhaul all of the departments and get rid of the parts that are not working and keep what is working...

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