Tuesday, January 24, 2012

World Trade Center

If only the World Trade Center Buildings could move like that.
We all remember that horrible September morning when the planes were hijacked and crashed into the World Trade Center Buildings in New York City... I remember like it was yesterday were I was, I was sitting in US History Taught by Mr. Marsh.. I just happened to be staring out the window when all of a sudden a student from the classroom next to us came in and said he was told to tell us to turn on the TV... Well we did and to my surprise I saw a building on fire then all of a sudden I seen an airplane fly into the second building, I knew that at that moment I was sitting in a US History Class watching a whole new part of US History being made... I hated it I thought to myself what if it was my parent in one of the buildings or even worse, happened to be on one of the planes  it scared me because one of my uncles was always flying for business and I didn't even know if he was already gone on business or if he was on a plane... I never thought I would ever see something like that and I wished it was all a dream no one ever deserves to die like that... I agreed with the war only because I was mad but now that I think about it why did we even bother all it did was cause more death and no guarantee that something like that will never happen again.... It only comes down to one thing regardless of how hard you try to protect the people there will always be that time when you just turn your head for 1 second and boom it all happened again... I will always remember them victims even tho I didn't know any of them personally... Lets all stick together and have pride everyday not just when something bad happens; because if everyone would stand up and show support everyday this country would be stronger than it ever has been...  

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